Thursday, July 5, 2007

A well deserved break'

Well I am in jersey, It's so nice to just sit and not have to worry about dinner or feed or change the baby. Since there are so many hands to help out, the kids don't bother me much, except for the 2 yr old. Well my 2 yr old, he is very attached to me, so if I wanna spend some alone in my room, 2 min later there will be knock on the door, " amma can I come in?" I'm not complaining. A friend told me that boys that are attached to their mothers like will take care of their mothers int heir old age. Insha Allah.
My husband was that way with his mother.

Any way there's alot of stuff going on here, will fill you in later.
It's like 2:30 in the after noon and I'm gonna take a nap, did you here that a nap, something that was not possible a couple of days ago, back in my house. I'm upstairs and I don't even know what my children are doing. I know my parents are watching them, but I still think i gotta run and check on them. It's weird you want that time alone, and when you have it all you think about is the kids. Well I better take that nap, before I forget that I wanted one, and start checking up on the kids


Safa said...

HAHA!! Well, good luck with the gotta turn your Mommy Juices down to slow drip.....

Anonymous said...

Hope you're having fun!