Thursday, July 19, 2007

Yo what's up Jerzee!!

I was over at another sister's blog and thought to myself I wonder what my english was like. Before college it was a thick jersey accent, but after college and living elsewhere in the country it's a bit jumbled up. But after answering the questions, I have pretty much still have my jersey accent, but what's dixie,
Your Linguistic Profile:

40% General American English

35% Yankee

20% Dixie

0% Midwestern

0% Upper Midwestern

Friday, July 6, 2007

All bottled up...

Since I am kinda on a vacation, I have been doing alot of thinking, about my marriage and life in general.Another sister mentioned this to me once, based on her experiences. She told me to be more open with my feelings. It got me thinking, I have been married 7 years and whenever I did not like something he did or said I would just keep quiet. Thinking he would eventually realize his mistakes. And that I had to be patient. Well after all these years rather than him changing, he continued to be the same person, and very little has changed. And the only person to blame is me. If I just told him what I felt right then and there, things might be different. But you see it's not that easy, I keep things inside because I don't know how to express it. Theres a way to say things but I just don't know how to say it with out being to harsh. My mother always said being desi and being brought up in America, I am like in the middle. I only sord of understand the indian mentality and culture. By now most desi's born and raised in India, know exactly how to handle their husbands. Cause their from the same background. I will not see my husband for a couple months he is on a business trip. Which is kinda good for us, we need that break. I NEED THAT BREAK! I know he is totally not at fault I need to correct myself and actions first.
okay I have now admitted to my faults, it's now time to act on them.....

Thursday, July 5, 2007

A well deserved break'

Well I am in jersey, It's so nice to just sit and not have to worry about dinner or feed or change the baby. Since there are so many hands to help out, the kids don't bother me much, except for the 2 yr old. Well my 2 yr old, he is very attached to me, so if I wanna spend some alone in my room, 2 min later there will be knock on the door, " amma can I come in?" I'm not complaining. A friend told me that boys that are attached to their mothers like will take care of their mothers int heir old age. Insha Allah.
My husband was that way with his mother.

Any way there's alot of stuff going on here, will fill you in later.
It's like 2:30 in the after noon and I'm gonna take a nap, did you here that a nap, something that was not possible a couple of days ago, back in my house. I'm upstairs and I don't even know what my children are doing. I know my parents are watching them, but I still think i gotta run and check on them. It's weird you want that time alone, and when you have it all you think about is the kids. Well I better take that nap, before I forget that I wanted one, and start checking up on the kids

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

My apologies....

Okay I think I might have started something rather than ending something.
first, what ever I wrote was just my point of view from what I understood.
The hadith I quoted was from a muslim website :
under on air programs.
in that it mentioned that one of the rights given to children is to be given good islamic names.( this has been mentioned many other religious books too) That's why I thought if a child is born, we name him a muslim name, then when one converts to Islam, shouldn't one want to, too( my thoughts only). I don't know if it a must to change your name or not. Further more being born muslim I don't know what it is like for a convert, in the beginning stages of being a muslim, or any stage for that matter. That's why I didn't want to put my foot to deep in the water, since I don't know how swim.
Many of the muslim converts I know who have changed their names have changed only their first name, not their last names. One sister said to me once If my name is called out in public, then people will know that I am muslim.
Another friend of mine told me that when she changed her name it was a way of letting go of the past.
Having heard all that I thought it would just take time for one to want to change their name. OKay....
BTW I am in jersey, forgot to mention in before because of so many other things going on, will catch up in the next post.

what's in a name?

There seems to be a difference in opinion in changing names. To me a name defines who we are. If you keep a muslim name, you will be known as a muslim. That's just my opinion.

Sayyadina Abu Darda RA narrated that Rasulullah SAW said: “you will be called on the day of judgment by your names and your fathers names so keep good names“.

Okay I don't want to further talk more about this subject coz it seems everytime any topic about Islam is brought up, it always turns into a debate as to who knows more about Islam. In reality, Ilm is important, but putting what we know into practice is more essential and rewarding in the eyes of Allah. By know means am I a scholar or have the authority to give commentary on hadiths or tafseer of the quran. One thing I do have the authority to do is to teach my children the beauty of Islam, so that it may be easy to be put into practice.

Monday, July 2, 2007

Recap of the week....

We had some guest over They were new converts to Islam, they had not changed their names yet, so when their daughter(Ramya) told her name to my daughter, my daughter asked her what kind of name was that. I was surprised she could tell that Ramya was not a muslim name. So towards the end of the evening she is calling her Rafiya. I reminded her that her name was Ramya not Rafiya. She said to me in a matter of fact tone I don't think she's a Ramya anymore, Rafiya sounds better
Excuse me!!

We had guest again A family from chicago moved over here recently. They had a daughter my daughter's age and a son the age of my 2 yr old. They had a ball turned the house upside down. My daughter came up to me and said I am happy, I have a friend. My heart just skippped a beat i was so happy to see my daughter happy..

Nothing much, my husband worked from home and drove my crazy. If your working from home you have to realize that you can not turn the house into a office. Especially with 3 very loud children around!!

Went out for lunch, had chinese. It's a halal indo-chinese restaurant, so basically desi's go there. there was alot of the College and highschool crowd mixed with families. It was funny cause in the highschool crowd there were a bunch of girls and then a hero in the middle of the group of girls.

Slept and slept some more..
Well ther you have it my exciting,thrilling, worldwind adventurous week!